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On the Best Film Adaptations of Books, with Jeffrey Overstreet and Steven Greydanus

On the Best Film Adaptations of Books, with Jeffrey Overstreet and Steven Greydanus

Welcome to Libromania, a podcast for the book-obsessed from the Close Reads Podcast Network. Each week David Kern will be chatting with authors, biographers, designers, collectors, critics and other people who help make book's so worthy of our attention.

In this episode David chats with noted film critics Jeffrey Overstreet and Steven Greydanus about some of the best film adaptations of books. Many of the titles they discuss will be familiar to you. Others not so much. Either way, tune in for a lively conversation about what makes a good film adaptation, the role of the critic in reviewing such movies, and Jeffrey and Steven's top five choices.

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Bibliography is a conversation show for people who love books so much they keep a to-be-read pile. Featuring conversations with authors, artists, athletes, and other interesting people about the books that have made them who they are, this is a conversation show about the way books make our lives richer. So if you love books, tune in each week to discover new titles, hear from kindred spirits, and celebrate this wonderful art form.