Tess Gunty is an award-winning novelist based in Los Angeles, whose fascinating (and acclaimed) debut novel, The Rabbit Hutch, was recently published by Knopf (North America) and Oneworld (UK & Commonwealth) and is a finalist for the National Book Award. For this week’s episode she chatted with David about her creative approach, the books that inspire her most, and much, much more. Here’s to long TBR lists!
Bibliography is a conversation show for people who love books so much they keep a to-be-read pile. Featuring conversations with authors, artists, athletes, and other interesting people about the books that have made them who they are, this is a conversation show about the way books make our lives richer. So if you love books, tune in each week to discover new titles, hear from kindred spirits, and celebrate this wonderful art form.
Bibliography is a conversation show for people who love books so much they keep a to-be-read pile. Featuring conversations with authors, artists, athletes, and other interesting people about the books that have made them who they are, this is a conversation show about the way books make our lives richer. So if you love books, tune in each week to discover new titles, hear from kindred spirits, and celebrate this wonderful art form. Listen on
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