Thank you for adding this book to your season. I'm trying to read all of the books you cover this year and am a little behind but have been enjoying the selections and reading outside of my comfort zone. This book was not something I would have noticed on my own, and I greatly enjoyed reading it and listening to your conversations about it, as well as reading the comments of others.

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I agree with the hosts' points, though still have slight beef from a craft perspective of having Mildred admit—90% of the way though the book—"yes, hand up, it was me." Even if it was a good twist, it just seemed too definitive and pretty out of place in a book that was so brilliant because it never let the reader be more than like 80% sure of any of the other key plot points, and often much less than that. Anyway, minor quibble on a great book.

Also, just to clarify what I meant by "analog" hedge fund since I didn't phrase it well: some hedge funds* today use high-frequency trading algorithms to vacuum up perceived mispricings; Mildred trying to beat the old-fashioned ticker the way she described seemed to me like the "analog" corollary to the present "digital". Not important but figured I might as well explain what I meant while I'm here.

(*Engaging in HFT does not make a fund a hedge fund and many don't. Every hedge fund has its own unique strategy and there are many, many subclasses whose strategies differ completely.)

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May 21·edited May 21

Thank you to our hosts for these truly wonderful discussions (which I may have enjoyed a little *too* much -- last night I was up until 1 a.m. listening to the Q&A!). This was my first time reading along with the group, and there's no doubt my understanding of "Trust" is much better for it. Heidi's observation that this book "moves under your feet" was very well said. :)

Also greatly appreciated the insightful comments and questions from everyone in the Substack feed -- I read every single one of them, and most of them twice. Good stuff!

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May 20Liked by David Kern

I really enjoyed the additional conversation, David and Heidi - thank you for making that happen! Your question David about the postmodernism of the book was what I was trying to get at with my own question. So all yall’s conversation - about The Novel, art, the truth of things, the terms of a book, the role of a narrator as well as the reader, the work of interpretation, a heart book versus a head book - was so helpful for framing my reading experience of this book.

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Thanks for listening, as always!

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