
Does anyone get echoes of an adult Swallows and Amazons here?

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Oh, you’re right!

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Like David, I had a hard time orienting myself to this book. He got there earlier than me -- I had to finish it to be all in. But now I am and I'm starting it over again.

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So Sean, David, do y’all still feel like this is a feminine book? After Heidi said she thought of it in terms of a memory novel of childhood, the word “tender” came to mind and books like Winnie the Pooh. You have masculine characters including Christopher Robin, but it still feels sweet in an English sort of way.

I’m glad y’all mentioned the melancholy undertone of the book and the absence of the father. Both stood out to me. There’s also something off in the grandmother to me. The relationship with Sophia doesn’t feel realistic. I tend to resist characters in books and movies that are abnormally mature for their age. So the grandmother’s opposite childlike behavior seems weird and makes me wonder if she’s senile, intellectually disabled - or bc of the lack of interaction with the dad - if she’s even real!

Sean, David, y’all haven’t used a flamethrower to finish a sous vide steak?? The masculine cooks in my family had to try that one.

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So glad this book was on your 2024 list; I loved it and am quite sure I would never have found my way to it otherwise.

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May 27Liked by David Kern

When I went to Leif Enger’s book signing last month, someone asked him if he had read anything recently that he really loved and he mentioned this one.

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Where do you see him? I asked him

That question at the Book Stall ☺️

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I went to his book signing at Parnassus Books last month.

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I just visited Parnassus books last month. I only had a short time to be there but it was delightful

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