I'm late to this episode but just here to say Sean's fanbase names are actually the best thing ever. I love these bonus episodes!

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The Pearl of Orr’s Island by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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Alright, friends. A plea, in light of the discussion. I know y'all don't like Dickens, but here's why I think you need to do him, and I have a suggestion.

Dickens gets taught in school. Always has, always will, even though he's not as good as some of his contemporaries. He's more accessible. I think he's great training for more complicated works.

And the suggestion--do A Christmas Carol in December. It's a hard time of year to program because of schedules, but you could cover it in probably two episodes, like you recently did with The Summer Book.

Your humble listener who will keep listening, regardless,


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I love these episodes. Listening to bookish people talk about books is one of my very favorite things. This episode made me laugh out loud repeatedly (hopefully people at the gym didn't think I was *too* crazy).

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I must admit the lack of Dickens and Eliot love hurts my heart but the Gaskell love helps. 🤣 That is going to be tough. Please do both the 1840s and 1940s! Those both sound so fun!

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Model Twain, I laughed so hard! 🤣

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Here's an idea for a future draft - books set during war. Possible categories could include fiction, non-fiction, poetry, ancient, specific country, 20th century, current.

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Sean, I am right there with you on Newman. So many good picks from everyone, but that sealed the deal.

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The moment I heard “takes place in the 1860s” I started yelling at my phone that one of you better pick Gone with the Wind 😂

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Amen amen! OR The Killer Angels, which I have read 3 times.

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Love Gone with Wind and The Killer Angels both!

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